Dr. Garrett Lam stresses the importance of being watchful for preeclampsia during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is linked with high blood pressure, and this high blood pressure can create a situation where less blood gets to the placenta, endangering the fetus. In cases of severe preeclampsia, delivery may need to be brought on early.

Prevention is the best way. A pregnant woman who is overweight should try to bring her weight under control. If she already has high blood pressure, she should try to bring this down through whatever means possible. And her doctor needs to be vigilant through the course of her pregnancy.

"Dr. Garrett K. Lam is board certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Maternal Fetal Medicine. He received his MD from the University of Rochester, completed his residency training at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, then went to the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill for his fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine."
