Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that affects many women.

To diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder in a patient, a psychologist will use a rating scale, such as the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS). Seventeen criteria are used in diagnosis, where the patient is rated on frequency and intensity. This is done by asking the patient how often the symptom occurred in the past week, and how much distress it caused. Patients may not experience all of the criteria, but can still be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. The symptoms must have started after the trauma for the post-traumatic disorder diagnosis criteria. Therefore, if a person was already hypervigilant before an event and it is not due to the trauma, it is not considered a positive criterion for diagnosis.

Unwanted Memories

The first criterion for a post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis is experiencing unwanted memories of the event without being exposed to reminders. In addition, the psychologist will ask if these unwanted memories occur during waking hours or only in dreams.


If unwanted memories occur after exposure to a reminder, it is considered to be the second criterion for diagnosis.

Reliving the Event

Patients may feel that they are reliving the event, which can cause severe distress.

Unpleasant Dreams

Some post-traumatic stress disorder patients may have unpleasant dreams after the event.

Avoid Thinking About the Event

Besides trying not to think about the traumatic event, the patient may also try to avoid feelings associated with that event, like rage, sadness or guilt.

Staying Away From Reminders

Staying away from reminders of the traumatic event, like people, activities and situations, is another criterion.

Inability to Recall

Another criterion for post-traumatic stress disorder is the inability to recall details about the traumatic event (psychogenic amnesia). The patient may block out aspects of the event, such as names, faces and the sequence of events.

Loss of Interest

After the trauma event, one symptom is a diminished interest in activities, like sports, hobbies and social activities.


Some patients with post-traumatic stress disorder will feel distant or cut off from the people around them.

Restricted Range of Affect

A restricted range of affect in post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosing refers to feeling emotional numb, or having trouble experiencing feelings such as love and happiness.

Sense of Foreshortened Future

Another diagnostic criterion for post-traumatic stress disorder is a sense that the future is being cut short. However, when diagnosing, the psychologist will rule out this criterion if the sense of a foreshortened future is a realistic worry, such as a life-threatening medical condition.

Sleep Problems

Sleep problems can also occur as a result of a traumatic event, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.


Some post-traumatic stress disorder patients may experience anger after the traumatic event. The patient may be unusually irritable or act aggressively towards others.

Difficulty Concentrating

Another criterion in diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorder is concentration problems. This includes difficulty concentrating on a task or on surrounding events.


In response to the traumatic event, the patient may be especially alert or watchful, even when there is no need to be.

Startle Response

Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder may experience an exaggerated startle response to a loud or unexpected noise.

Physical Reactions

The last criterion for post-traumatic stress disorder is a physical reaction when the patient is reminded of the traumatic situation. Examples of physical reaction symptoms include muscle tension, sweating and an increased heart rate.
Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch received her bachelor’s of science degree in neuroscience from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in May 2009. She is the Hartford Women's Health Examiner and she writes about abuse on Suite 101.