Pink eye and conjunctivitis are the same medical condition. Pink eye is fairly common in children and even adults.

There are several types of pink eye. Types of pink eye include: allergic (dust mites, pet dander, etc.) irritant (swimming pool chlorine, smog, etc.), bacterial, and viral. Bacterial and viral are both highly contagious forms of pink eye. Allergic and irritant pink eye are not contagious.

How do you get pink eye? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology there are several ways to get pink eye. Some of them include:

• Touching your eyes
• Reusing handkerchiefs and towels when wiping your face and eyes
• Using old cosmetics, and/or sharing them with other people
• Forgetting to wash your hands often
• Not cleaning your contact lenses properly

Children are usually most susceptible to getting pink eye from bacteria or viruses because they are in close contact with so many others in school...