Halloween has become synonymous with a non-stop stream of horror movies playing on basic and premium cable channels. Many people enjoy a good fright flick this time of year, and some people can’t get spooked enough.

There’s been a great deal of media coverage relating to the effects horror movies can have on children — such as nightmares and desensitization to violence — but there’s seemingly less interest in how this pastime affects adults. While scary movies can cause problems for some people, the effects aren’t all bad.

Exhilaration and risk taking

While you might recognize the difference between a movie and real life, the distinction is a bit more evasive for your body. When you watch a character round a corner, escape a monster, or defend herself, odds are good that your heart rate goes up, your blood pressure elevates, and you get an adrenaline rush. When the suspense is over, you may feel a sense of exhilaration.

Periodic risk taking and adventure are correlated with greater happiness and life satisfaction, and some people — known as sensation-seeking personalities — crave novelty, adventure, and a bit of danger. Watching an occasional horror movie may provide the same benefits as risk-taking behavior, making you feel more alive.

Even better, sensation-seeking sorts can feel like risk takers when they watch horror movies without having to actually endanger themselves. Anxiety-inducing situations can spark feelings of satisfaction and even sexual arousal, so next time date night rolls around, grab a blanket and propose watching a scary movie.


Repeatedly watching gory horror movies can desensitize a person to violence, which could theoretically alter a person’s behavior. People who watch horror movies might, for example, feel that there’s more violence in the world than there actually is or believe that violence is sometimes acceptable for solving interpersonal conflicts.

They might also develop changes in their startle reflex, either startling more easily because they’ve come to believe the world is a scary place or startling less easily because they’re used to high-anxiety situations.

However, there’s also a positive side to desensitization. Horror movies could, for some people, be effective tools for treating fears and phobias. Therapists often struggle to find effective, safe ways to desensitize patients to their fears, but horror movies may offer the perfect platform.

A person with arachnophobia (fear of spiders and other arachnids), for example, might feel less frightened of spiders he or she sees on television, especially if they behave in exaggerated or unrealistic ways. Continued exposure to spiders in movies and other media could help a person grow less afraid of them.

Fear and triggering

For trauma victims and people experiencing posttraumatic stress and anxiety, horror movies may trigger panic attacks and flashbacks. These incidents can affect a person’s mood and psychological well-being. If you’re prone to anxiety but love horror movies, consider asking someone to watch the movie without you first to evaluate whether any of the situations that trigger you occur. If not, sit down and enjoy. If so, pick a different flick.

Sleep difficulties

Children aren’t the only ones who can experience sleeping problems after watching scary movies. Insomnia and nightmares are issues for adult horror lovers as well. While an occasional evening of insomnia is harmless, repeated nightmares and chronic difficulty sleeping can interfere with your physical and mental health. If you find that horror movies interfere with your sleep, consider watching them only on special occasions.


Tanenbaum, S. (n.d.). Fear factor: Why we love scary movies. EverydayHealth.com. Retrieved from

Why do people like scary movies? (n.d.). ResearchPennState. Retrieved from

Edited by Jody Smith