You set your clocks back – did you reset your expectations and priorities as well?

Autumn can be a difficult time of transition. I always have such high hopes when fall rolls around! The girls go back to school and things are supposed to go back to “normal.” I should be able to find may groove — right?

This year, I have to admit, has been a bit of a struggle. I haven’t yet found my rhythm. Getting all of my work done and keeping up with the girls’ ever expanding schedule seems to take up more hours than there are in a day. As a result, finding time to exercise, eat well, and have a little “me time” hasn’t been easy.

So, I took a look at the calendar and my list of things to do (yes, it was a long one) and got serious. I started asking myself some tough questions:

What really is important to me?
(Clay, my daughters, building my business, and my health)

Is this activity, task, or event helping me take care of what is important or draining away the time and energy I could use toward toward my real goals?
(Interesting results there)

If the activity, task, or event doesn’t help me toward my goal, why is it still on my list or calendar?

I still have a fairly full calendar – and a long-ish list, but I’m feeling less overwhelmed and more on track.

Each day I remind myself:

Life is not about perfection.
It’s about moving in the right direction! TM