Hot Flashes
Is it hot in here or is it me? That feeling of intense heat is not caused by some external force. It’s a hot flash, which affects 75-85 percent of women around menopause, according to Sleep Your body can feel like a furnace on overdrive: A sudden and unexpected feeling of intense heat, lasting between 30 seconds and 10 minutes, may begin in the upper part of your body, spreading its way down to your toes. What may follow: flushing of the face and neck, red blotches on your chest, back, and arms, profuse sweating followed by cold shivering. Hot flashes can be very mild or strong enough to wake you from your sleep (night sweats). Conventional medical wisdom says hot flashes fade within six to 24 months, but a 2014 JAMA study found they can persist for 14 years.
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