It’s been a rocky week. Monday I got hit with that overwhelming discomfort thing from which I am always unable to get any relief.

I told my husband that I wanted him to find me a recliner but then let my mother and sister in on it and between the three of them I had a brand new La-Z-Boy in my family room by Tuesday afternoon. It seems to be the place that I am most likely to find a position of comfort and is a wonderful gift in my new state of being. Tuesday and Wednesday were better than Monday, but Thursday I woke up vomiting. I made it to an 8 o’clock meeting but apparently looked so poorly that my boss walked me down to the emergency department, where I spent most of the rest of the day.

They didn’t find anything big and scary to explain the vomiting - no brain mets on a dry CT, no abdominal obstruction - but my liver function tests are about twice normal and my platelets are low (that latter is from the chemotherapy a week and a half ago). I got fluids and IV antinausea medicine and eventually got myself home and into the recliner. No vomiting yesterday, but the nausea persists. They started me on steroids and I’m hoping to see some relief from that over the next couple of days. The other not too good thing, along with the elevated liver function tests, is that I’ve lost 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. So it feels like the balance is beginning to tip in cancer’s favor.

I’ll see how things go this week before I make any decisions about work. I’d like to keep working through the middle of October, but I don’t know if that’s going to be workable. I can do a fair amount from home and I know they are amenable to that, so we’ll see.

My spirits are flagging a bit as I start to run into walls that I don’t seem to be able to get over. I started an antidepressant Wednesday night but that’s on hold with the vomiting on Thursday. The steroids should perk me up at least a bit.

Think good antinausea thoughts for me and I’ll try to keep the updates coming.