Earlier this week I developed a little shortness of breath when I went to bed. This is a new symptom for me so I called my oncologist on Tuesday. He examined me and everything seemed fine, but wanted a CT angiogram of my chest to make sure that a pulmonary embolism was not causing the shortness of breath.

No pulmonary embolism, but the CT scan shows a new, albeit small, pleural effusion (fluid around my right lung), continued growth of multiple nodules in both lungs and continued growth of the metastases in my liver and right adrenal gland.

It’s so odd, living with this cancer. We’re both like Energizer bunnies. It just keeps going and growing. I just keep going. I know it’s there. I know it’s growing. I know there’s really nothing to be done about it. Neither one of us has been able to do the other in, yet.

Since earlier in the week I’m no longer short of breath when I lie down. I don’t know why, but I’m back to my one flight of stairs baseline. Pain is still well controlled. Nausea usually not a problem. Still working. Still living.