Whew! I made it through the past couple of weeks with no major problems. The bathroom remodel is moving along. I went by the house last night after being gone for a week in Park City.

The house is a total mess with dust and dirt everywhere! I am hoping to get a cleaning crew in the place on Thursday because it is simply is unlivable right now. The cats are super lonely and I think the dust is probably getting to them a little. It looked like there were some hairballs that they coughed up and some throw-up on the floor, but otherwise they were fine.

The surgery went well last Friday. There were no complications and I didn’t even feel any pain! There wasn’t even any downtime. Other than the anesthesia messing with me the first day, I was fine.

I am going to CTCA for my 6th round of chemo tomorrow. I am hoping this will be my last round for a while. I have the petscan in January which will determine how we move forward. It sounded like if the petscan results were showing shrinkage, then I may be able to just stay on Erbitux for weekly maintenance.

I would really love to have a break. I haven’t had chemo for about 4 weeks now. We moved it back because of the holidays. The strange thing is that just two days ago I was feeling nauseous and I ended up getting sick. I think a good portion of it was because the Dramamine patch that I normally wear was getting old and I didn’t bring new patches.

I went home to Park City for the holidays and had no problems flying. I walked to the gate without even thinking of getting assistance. My legs were so tired that night from all of the walking through both airports. I decided on the flight home I would contact the airlines ahead of time to organize getting a wheelchair. It was much easier with help. I got to go right through to the head of the security line and got to pre-board on the plane. I could definitely handle flying this way all of the time.