Ahhh! Today is my third chemotherapy session and follow-up with Dr. Kukinoor. This means that I may be able to finally schedule a PET scan to see how eveythng is progressing and if the treatments are working.

I am hoping that the doc will have a plan b and c ready in case the route we are taking now isn’t working. I am a little scared to get the PET scan because I feel like the cancer is spreading. I know this is because the pain is spreading or is in different areas then it was before. Either that or there are other complications that are causing the pain.

I’m not sure what I would do if they told me that it has spread to another area such as my brain. I am trying to focus my energy on moving things forward, scheduling appointments and having consistent communication with the doctor's office.

I have radiation today at 8:30 a.m. and then chemotherapy at 10:45 a.m. I’m not sure exactly how long it will go till. It mostly depends on when I get out of my appointment with the doctor.

I am hoping that I don’t have any major side effects. This will be the first time I have done chemo and radiation at the same time. They were going to do this a couple of weeks ago, but then they cancelled because they were afraid the side effects were going to be too drastic (at least that’s what they told me). So obviously I am wondering why now? Is it because there are no other options? Is it because the side effects really aren’t that bad and it was something else that was the problem last time? I guess either way I will find out within the next couple of days.

The doctors prescribe chemo patients specific nausea medication to help. The medication I am taking is called Emend. It comes in a little fold-out package with three pills. One pill is taken one hour before chemo, the second pill is taken the day after chemo, and the third pill is taken the day after that.

Anyway, wish me luck today and that between the spine surgery, radiation, and chemo, I am feeling okay and half human over the weekend.