The day before yesterday afternoon, I had a little scare. I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting ready to eat some lunch, when all of the sudden I had excruciating pain in my stomach. I had my family rush me to the emergency room, just to be sure it wasn’t something serious.

After 1 CT Scan and an ultrasound, the only findings were that I was extremely low in potassium and I had an increase in some pancreatic function. The docs put me on a 4 hour potassium drip, so we ended up being in the hospital for 12 hours!

Yesterday (saturday) I had the same damn thing happen! Around noon, the stomach cramping hit again. This time, much worse. I broke out in sweats and started seeing stars and white lights! I was in so much pain I thought I was dying. My sis and dad rushed me back to the ER at St Joe's and we were immediately admitted. The docs gave me a shot of dilaudid (heavy pain meds) and nausea medicine. Next thing I know, I am waking up 6 hrs later still in ER with no change. I was still not on any hydration drips and did not have any new medication. Here I was, still in pain and the nurses were still not doing anything to alleviate my pain! I was way behind on the time released pain meds and there was nothing new even scheduled! Finally, at 11pm I was admitted to a room in the hospital!

So here I am now just waiting. We are waiting for the rounding docs (who won’t be able to tell me anything new) and the on call oncology doc. The hospital has not found anything that has stood out from the tests, and I’m afraid they are going to send me home without any solution, except for just “playing around with the quantity of my meds”. All I know is that mentally and physically I can’t go through another stomach episode. I want to have some sort of solution to this besides just brushing it off as “chemo side effects”. I am able to tolerate a huge amount of pain, nausea, and mind games from the meds. This stomach thing though is beyond bearable.