The big news of the week is better liver function tests!

Whether due to Gemzar, steroids, or all your good thoughts, the two major liver transaminases are normal and near normal. My alkaline phosphatase is still more than twice normal but can come from a lot of things, most notably bone metastases, so I’m not counting it as a liver function test. Other than that, no new symptoms or problems. No new emergency trips anywhere. I went for Gemzar and Zometa on Tuesday and didn’t even have the brief increased pain and fatigue I usually get the next day. So the plan for right now is to keep on keeping on with what we’re doing. I’ll get Gemzar in two weeks, Gemzar and Zometa in four and that’s the next time we’ll check liver function tests.

My mother arrives tomorrow for a visit and has apparently timed it perfectly to enjoy early fall in Connecticut. We’ve had a couple of crisp days and leaves are definitely turning. Before she gets here I’m attending a CME course at my hospital in case I have to relicense and recredential next summer.

This week you can keep sending steady as you go thoughts. I would be perfectly happy to become the most boring blog updater ever.