The doctor who implanted all those embryos in Nadya Suleman recently lost his license (beginning July 1, 2011) to practice medicine in California (he can apply for a license in other states). Many people applauded this decision, believing he acted irresponsibly and recklessly.

Yet just last week, another Pennsylvanian couple (like the famous Gosselin family from the same state) gave birth to six babies – all of whom are on ventilators and IVs and are considered to be in critical condition regarding their survival. But so far, all are alive and growing. Hopefully, they will remain that way. They were born at 27 weeks and they have a 16 month old big sister.

Critics have been abundant. Sixty staff members to deliver the babies? Why were so many embryos implanted? Did these parents do it on purpose to be famous? Why are press conferences held by the parents? While supporters call it a miracle, others remind them it was merely science run amok.

Regardless, these babies are deeply loved. Sextuplets in America are rare (there is thought to be about one set every year). All are born via IVF treatments that include a large number of embryos implanted. Due to this rarity, a surprising number have or previously had reality shows, drawing even more criticism regarding the babies’ rights to privacy and profiteering from the circumstances surrounding their births.

The parents in this new case knew the risks, they said, but were hopeful (and very surprised) upon learning that so many embryos were brought to life. They will remain in the hospital for an undetermined length of time (until they are strong enough to go home), but not soon enough for the proud and thrilled parents!

Tell us:
Do you think there should be a legal limit to how many embryos can be implanted in a woman? Why or why not?

Edited by Kate Kunkel