Sponsored by: The Stork® OTC

There are many things that we as women spend a great deal of time readying ourselves for throughout our lives, whether it be college, grade school, a notable promotion, or even our wedding day. We understand that the preparation itself is valuable, that it will provide us with an edge and a better perspective as we step into a new phase of our lives.

But we may not view fertility the same way. It is often not given any conscious attention until the point at which a woman is actively attempting to conceive. If I talked to you about college preparation in this way, wouldn’t we all agree that such an approach would be less than ideal?

The truth is that this isn’t something we all regularly discuss in casual conversation, but it should be.

Mindful attention in preparing for your future pregnancy is just as necessary as the lifetime of educational steps you’ve taken to land your dream job.

In fact, as a fertility and wellness expert who has helped thousands of women explore their health, I would offer that our body, energy and spirit all need to be cared for and cultivated just as richly as anything else in our lives.

Regardless of whether you know exactly when you will want to become pregnant, the more importance you place on your own comprehensive well-being, the more prepared you will be when the time arrives to conceive a child.

The good news is that cultivating a fertile lifestyle is completely in tune with cultivating a conscious lifestyle. That is, becoming healthy involves creating some synchronicity with the body, mind and heart.

So, how do you start?

1. Start To Take A Personal Inventory Of Your Stressors.

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A good place to begin is simply by taking steps to become attuned with all the factors in your life that are out of balance. It is a very common for people to have allowed things such as stress, unaddressed relationship tension, or even an out-of-control work schedule to become the norm.

Now is the time, with patience, to start looking at how to approach changes that will help to reveal space and cure some of that stress (which we all, without a doubt, accumulate).

This might be as simple as creating stronger boundaries around your work life and committing to a meditation class once a week or twice a month. It may be as big as evaluating almost all of your relationships with yourself, your partner, your friends and family.

Taking a full inventory of where you find contentment and joy, and where you do not, is an illuminating exercise. It is incredibly valuable to start to look at what needs changing.

To put it another way, taking control of your relationships and mental well-being will offer the necessary preparation for healthy parenthood, not just fertility.

2. Rethink How You Treat Your Body.

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Taking a physical inventory to prepare your body is just as crucial. My clients are often not aware of the level of toxicity in their daily lives that can easily be improved upon.

Some basic steps everyone can take include a change of diet toward plant-based, organic meals, proper hydration, and the addition of prenatal vitamins. In addition, I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of getting enough real rest and establishing a reasonable exercise schedule.

3. Do It At Your Own Pace.

Via Unsplash

Just these steps alone will allow you to see a distinctive, illuminating change day to day that will provide a healthy place with which to commence, when you are ready to start trying to conceive.

If you are lucky and planning ahead, today is an opportunity to begin with as small or as big a step as you wish in order to prepare for not only pregnancy, but also your own wellness. I think every woman owes that to herself first.

When you are trying to get pregnant, sometimes it doesn’t happen as quickly as you might imagine. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, luckily there are some options available to help you. The Stork® OTC is one over-the-counter option that uses cervical cap insemination to capture sperm and bring it as close as possible to the cervix, optimizing the chances of conception.

To learn more about The Stork® OTC and to see if it is a good option for you, visit www.storkotc.com

Reviewed October 21, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith