There is a strong connection between infertility and sexually transmitted diseases. In fact, the two go hand in hand and can have a devastating effect to the reproductive system if not treated when contracted. According to an article from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women having a certain STD for a long period of time and remaining untreated is one of the direct causes of infertility. Click here for more information.

One of the reasons that some of these diseases go untreated is because many times women have no symptoms. They simply go about life not knowing something is wrong and that an unfortunate circumstance can result from this issue. Since STDs are still on the rise, according an article on, sexually active individuals need to be more care. Click here for more information.

If sexually active, it is very important for men and women both to be aware of their own sexual health through annual physicals, which include blood tests for HIV/AIDS and other STDs. This is probably the most effective way not to contract or spread an STD to your partner. Smart sexual choices, such as using a condom and getting tested before taking on a new partner can be helpful in prevention.

Having great sexual health is not necessarily difficult, but it does require a certain degree of responsibility. Each individual has to be in charge of his or her own health and safety. Discussing one’s past with a new partner can be helpful. As well, it can also warn you about a person who might not be so willing to disclose information up front. Normally, the person who has nothing to hide will have no problem sharing test results. Be bold and ask questions.

Remember, the wrong sexual choice can affect you in many ways. It can cause you to lose your life and can event prevent you from reproducing life.