According to the Healthy Mouth Healthy Body Resource Center, good oral health is essential to preventing heart disease and stroke. Yes, brushing your teeth and visiting your dentist reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular disease?

Why? It turns out the bacteria known to cause gum disease also causes thickening of blood vessel walls. People with chronic gum disease have four times more carotid artery plaque deposits, a significant cause of stroke, than people with good oral health.
What should you do?

Brush your teeth and floss.

Seriously, you are supposed to do it anyway. Do a good job and protect your heart.

Make friends with your dentist. Be brave! See your dentist at least once per year, twice is better!

Tell your dentist if you have heart disease and what medications you may be taking. With the right information your dentist may be able to spot problems before they start. Also, heart attack symptoms in women my be disguised as jaw or tooth pain. If your dentist doesn’t find anything wrong, don’t ignore the symptoms!

Eliz Greene is the author of The Busy Woman’s Guide to a Healthy Heart. Drawing on her experience surviving a massive heart attack while seven-months pregnant with twins, struggling to lose the 80 pounds gained during her pregnancy, and her background as an adaptive movement specialist, Eliz developed simple strategies and tips to help other busy women be more active, eat better and manage your stress.

As the Director of the Embrace Your Heart Wellness Initiative, Eliz travels the country energizing and inspiring audiences in keynotes and workshops on women’s heart health. She writes one of the top 100 health and wellness blogs. Find more at