We all do it from time to time. Let the self-disciple slip, and overindulge in foods and drinks that really aren't good for us. (But they taste so good!) The slip-up doesn't have to create a problem though — depending on what you do afterward.

Here are some do's and don'ts to help you recover from a self-indulgent slip.


1) Put your guilt behind you

Don't dwell on where you went wrong. This can lead to the temptation of doing it again. Brush yourself off (even if that involves brushing the cake crumbs off your face) and get back on board with healthy eating habits.

2) Graze on fresh greens

Filling your abused stomach with fresh greens can make you feel like you are on a healthier path. They are light, low-cal, and will make you feel redeemed from your lapse in self-control.

3) Do some juicing

Juicing is a great way to get fruits and vegetables into you, though you won't get all the pulp and fiber this way. Drink it all the same day you juice it.

4) Take probiotics

Probiotic yeasts and live bacteria are beneficial for your digestive system. They move things along in your gut, and reduce your odds for digestive issues like diarrhea, irritable bowel disease or irritable bowel system

5) Sip some soups and broths

Sticking to bone broth or a clear soup is nourishing while at the same time easy on your stomach.

6) Quiet the carby sugary cravings

If your previous indulgences involved sweet or carb-laden culprits at your table, chances are you've stirred up some insistent cravings. This can be a temporary situation if you don't answer the call. The less you give in to these cravings, the quicker they will subside. Hang in there.

7) Drink lots of water

Plain water will help flush your system. Water and lemon will help to balance your pH levels and enhance your digestive system and immune system.


8) Don't starve yourself

Eat lots of produce and some protein at each meal to get your balance back. Any snacking should also be protein and produce.

9) Don't head for the weigh scales

You don't need to nail a number to your moment of excess. Let a few days go by which will also mean any resultant fluid retention may have passed as well.

10) Don't work yourself to the bone

If you have a workout routine, don't go into overdrive out of guilt or a compulsion to right your temporary "wrongs." You could hurt yourself which can then actually hamper any workouts for awhile. Don't panic. Just stick with your routine.

Reviewed July 28, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN