Most of us don’t know the best way to really win an argument. My husband once pointed out to me that I wasn’t really listening to his point of view when we were having an argument. I realized he was right when he asked me what he’d said, and I couldn’t recall his last statement. I was busy thinking up my counterargument rather than really hearing him. I started watching myself in a number of other situations and found that I was often more concerned with how I would present my standpoint rather than truly listening to other people’s views. I realized that I was missing the opportunity to learn more, and if nothing else, improve my argument.

We often think we know what is best for ourselves, and ignore other people’s opinions. It is important to involve others as often as possible, because listening is more valuable than speaking. We never learn anything new when we’re talking or are preoccupied by our own thoughts.

Whenever you are invested in a debate this week, ask yourself if you are really stopping to listen to everything the other person is saying, or if you are using much of the time to devise your response. Also, ask yourself if you are always open to listening to others, or do you just seek out individuals who you know will support your opinions? You may be missing out on valuable information.

********** Motivational Weight Management Tip **********

My experience of working with the Biggest Loser contestants and Symtrimics has inspired me to leave motivational diet, health, and wellness tips at the end of all of my blogs. These tools will be driven from the actual advice shared in my weekly motivational Transformation Talks. This week’s tip: Find a friend to go through the weight management process with you. A friend will help you get to the gym when you aren’t motivated yourself, they will be able to relate to the changes you need to make, and they will make you accountable to reaching your goals. It’s a much easier process to tackle as a team.


Nikki Stone won Olympic gold after she overcame a near career-ending spinal injury to win America’s first gold medal in the sport of Aerial Skiing. She was honored with the task of helping train the current Olympians on overcoming distractions, dealing with pressures, and harnessing confidence going into the Vancouver Olympics. And most recently, she was asked to be the motivational expert for a new Biggest Loser regional program.

Stone now works as a motivational speaker and recently authored the much-talked-about inspirational book When Turtles Fly: Secrets of Successful People Who Know How to Stick Their Necks Out (with contributors Lindsey Vonn, Shaun White, Tommy Hilfiger, and more). For more information, please visit and