The CDC estimates the rate of marriages in the United States as 7 per 1,000 of the general population and the rate of divorce as 3.5 per 1,000. Just as people fall in love for different reasons, couples divorce for different reasons. Here are the 10 top common reasons for divorce.

“…I promise to be faithful to you…” Infidelity is cited as the most common reason for divorce and the cause of nearly one third of all divorces in the United States. A spouse may be unfaithful consistently during an extramarital affair, intermittently during the marriage, or a solitary one night stand. The unfaithful spouse often attributes the cause of infidelity to anger or resentment toward the other spouse and sexual boredom or lack of love within the marriage.

Breakdown in Communication
A lack of communication is a leading reason for divorce. A couple cannot have an effective relationship if they both are unable to discuss their feelings and personal as well as mutual issues. A breakdown in communication is inevitable if resentments are not openly discussed and one spouse expects the other to guess what is wrong.

Abuse of a spouse or the children is clear grounds for divorce. Physical abuse includes violent assault against a spouse or child, fighting, and physical bullying. Psychological and emotional abuse encompasses taunting, verbal insults, humiliation and intimidation of a spouse.

Financial Issues
“…for richer, for poorer…” Financial issues that place an economic strain on the couple is a common cause for divorce. Couples will deal with money matters at some point in their marriage. An economic downturn, such as loss of a job or a drop in income, puts strain on a marriage. Differences regarding the allocation of money can lead an already fragile relationship to divorce court.

Sexuality Incompatibility
Research supports the fact that the average strength of the sex drive in men and women is most compatible for couples aged ten years apart. Since the age difference of most spouses vary by only a few years, after the age of 30 their sex drives fall out of synchronization. Sexual incompatibility is a reason for divorce in an already strained relationship.

Lack of Commitment to the Marriage
Over time, couples will grow apart, become bored with each other or experience personal or irreconcilable differences. People change over the years and can fall out of love. These divorces are often the least bitter and end amicably.

Cultural and Religious Differences
Tensions develop within a marriage because of cultural and religious differences. One spouse may resent pressure to conform to the other spouse’s ethnic or religious practices. The tension arises and disputes occur over the spiritual development of the children.

Different Expectation Regarding Having and Rearing Children
Spouses may seriously differ on the subject of having children. They may have different expectations on how the children should be raised. A common reason for divorce can range from the choice of school to send the child to how to discipline the child.

Any acquired compulsive behavior that negatively impacts another person illustrates an addiction. An addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, and gambling are a few examples of behavior that negatively affects other priorities and leads to divorce. An addiction that can be proven to cause harm to the other spouse is an acceptable reason for an at-fault divorce.

Different Expectation in Personal and Career Issues
Statistics indicate that couples who live together before marriage have a higher rate of divorce than couples who did not cohabit before marriage. Time and life events test any relationship. Differences in career goals, disagreement regarding the division of household tasks and one spouse’s sudden change in personal priorities are a cause for divorce. Life changes that can strain a marriage include a death of a family member, serious medical illness, and a mid-life crisis.