For most people, a New Year means starting over. Especially when it comes to health, new beginnings can be one of the best things one can do. While answering questions, giving advice, and sharing my own stories about diabetes, I also plan to let readers know what a struggle life with diabetes can be; but also how readers can truly live with this chronic illness. Between the carb counting, juice boxes, insulin dosages, and machine malfunctions, diabetes can sometimes get in the way of real life. But here’s a secret that doctors forget to mention in between all the rules of diabetes: having a real life full of excitement, adventures and memories is possible!

For a New Years resolution, I am not going to promise to be a perfect example of diabetes control for my readers, but I will promise to show diabetics how to live life, even with the trouble that diabetes can sometimes bring. Instead of sitting on the sidelines in 2009, it's time to live life, without letting diabetes get in the way.

I have had great experiences both in spite of having diabetes, and for having diabetes. As 2009 gets under way, I’ll share stories of my worldwide travels, going to school eight hours away from home, and how diabetes has actually provided me with some great opportunities over the years.

I am really looking forward to sharing my experiences of life with diabetes and answering any questions that readers – those living with diabetes, and those indirectly affected by the disease – may have. In the meantime, may the New Year bring a new outlook on living life with diabetes; making decisions on the basis of what you want, not by what diabetes controls or denies.

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