my mother aged 63 yrs, was experiencing the following symptoms from last 2 yrs approx:-
(a) irritation in eyes after cataract surgery.
(b) rapidly weight-loss.
(c) weakness.
(d) anemia.
(e) insomnia.
(f) swollen neck.
(g) no hungriness. also no desire to eat.
(h) severe pain in shoulder.
but no doctor suggested for thyroid test. recently when the problem detroited they suggested for thyroid and subsequent tests. the report are as below:-
TSH : 0.05 uIU/ml
URINE ; Pus cells 2-6/hpf
ESR : 50 mm
Hb : 10.70 gm/dl
RBC count is low.
WBC count is normal.
after above test the doctor suggested for ther following medicine :
Tab Carbimazole IP 20 mg
Tab Zindom (Omeprazole -10 mg , ondansetron Hcl eq to ondansetron - 4mg)
Tab propranolol Hcl - 10 mg
Tab Tripox 33
My request : please suggest that above treatment is enough for immediate relief. the doctor is also suggesting UCI endoscopy. please clarify/suggest additional treatment etc.
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For hypothyroidism if thyroid tests shows that is normal and still experience symptoms means that you are highly possible in being iodine deficient. Have your iodine levels tested. It is very important for thyroid health.
April 8, 2012 - 4:17pmThis Comment
Hi vinay1306,
Unfortunately we are not doctors, nor can any doctor replace the care and treatment that your mom is currently receiving.
The recommendation of the endoscopy by her doctor is likely because of the swelling in her neck. It is important that you understand that medications rarely provide immediate relief and they may take a week or two sometimes to provide maximum relief. Sometimes, as adults get older, they forget to eat and that's where you would be of help to her to remember to have her eat and drink frequently to avoid weight loss and dehydration.
Please remember to make a list of questions for her doctor so that you can get as much information as possible when she has a doctors appointment.
All the best,
April 8, 2012 - 11:30amThis Comment