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Heavy bleeding

By Anonymous March 24, 2019 - 9:05am
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I gave birth Dec 5th 2018. My period started back about a month or so after. Just spotting for a bout a day or two. As of this pass Friday my period began again this time super heavy and very painful cramps. I'm soaking a pad every 30 mins since Friday. I did have my tubes tied same day as delivery. Do I need to be concerned?

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Hello, Anon! Thank you for posting.

For the benefit of our readers, in tubal sterilization — also known as tubal ligation — the fallopian tubes are cut and tied or blocked. That prevents an egg released by the ovaries from reaching the uterus and from getting fertilized by sperm.

Some women report that their periods become irregular after a tubal, and also lighter over time. This is not the case for everyone, of course. It seems as though you didn't have much of a period last time if it only lasted 2 days. It's not unusual to have a heavy period after childbirth and a tubal. That said, if after a few days, there is no sign of it slowing, it's best to check in with your doctor. If nothing else to ease your mind.


March 24, 2019 - 10:11am
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