I am always amazed by how many women don’t know that many insurance plans cover breast reduction surgery. I guess it isn’t something insurance companies like to advertize but they will in fact pick up the tab for reduction surgery for women who are tired of lugging boulders around all day.

Contrary to what many women think doctors don’t have to embellish or justify the procedure every which way from Tuesday to get the surgery approved. As long as a woman meets the guidelines which typically require a weighed amount of tissue to be removed, it can be done. Sure strap marks on shoulders, clothes that never fit right, men who never look you in the eye and physical limitations the out-of-proportion sized breasts cause are bad news. But the key factor is the weight of the tissue.

It’s important to find a good plastic surgeon who has performed many of these surgeries and one who has a staff that’s well versed in insurance rules and regulations. The surgery takes a few hours and generally requires an overnight stay at the hospital. The post-surgery pain is tolerable and though there are visible scars they will fade in time and most women feel it’s worth the trade off. The surgeon will also perform a breast lift during the operation making them perkier too. After the healing process some patients can end up with some numbness in the scar area but a good surgeon will keep it to a minimum.

No one goes from melons to mosquito bites and most doctors will tell you up front that he or she will design the new breasts to be in proportion to the rest of your body size. Before long you’ll be headed out to buy new bras and bathing suits!