With the sudden increase in autism, many people have been wondering if a change in diet may help. However, an expert panel says that there is no evidence that dietary or digestive problems are the cause of autism. Despite widespread claims by celebrities that special diets can help treat autistic kids -- this is only speculative and not based on any established research.

In a report published in the January 2010 issue of Pediatrics, it is recommended that painful digestive problems that initiate problem behavior should be treated medically and not by changed in diet. Dr. Timothy Buie, of Harvard Medical School, said "There are a lot of barriers to medical care to children with autism. They can be destructive and unruly in the office,or they can't sit still. The nature of their condition often prevents them from getting standard medical care.”

Dr. Buie adds, “Some pediatricians' offices can't handle those kids, especially if children are in pain or discomfort because of bloating or stomach cramps.” It is well known that pain can change behavior, which makes diagnosis difficult and this is even more so in children who have trouble communicating.

One of the hallmarks of autism is the inability to communicate or interact with others. Current estimates indicate that at least one in every 100 children may have some degree of autistic features.