One of my resolutions this year is to keep myself on track with my spirituality and God. In the past I'd gotten accustomed to taking the occasional vacation from God. And it cost me, but I always managed to scramble back on track when it counted.

Until I couldn't. I got too far off track and I couldn't find my way back. While I was lost, everything went wrong in my life: finances, relationships, career. I even found myself without any means of support for the first time in my life. I was starting over from absolute zero- and that was pretty frightening.

What was even more frightening, although I didn't see it at the time, was how my vacation from God had left me thinking that I had to fix things all by myself. Believing that I need to stand on my own two feet without other people's help is something I struggle with a lot.

That only started to change when I finally began to reconnect with God again, and became consistent in my daily spiritual practice. Slowly, as I began to feel not so alone on the inside, I began to see how many people there were around me willing to make sure I didn't feel so alone on the outside. Getting my feet back under me happened slowly--sometimes WAY too slowly for my comfort zone--but I couldn't have done it without those people who stepped forward to offer their help.

So here and now I want to say that I am eternally grateful to all of you who stepped forward to help me when I needed it! The only way I can repay you is to promise you that I won't betray your faith in my by taking another vacation from God!