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Am I pregnant

By October 29, 2016 - 9:58am
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Hi, me and my boyfriend tried to get inside of me without a condom because I'm really tight and we didn't want to waste condoms and he wiped all his precm off of him but I'm worried some still got inside of me when he was trying to get in which he did not succeed? I know it doesn't have sperm in it but I am having so many symptoms, my boobs are tender and probably grew a size and I have been having cramps and I had a bit of blood today enough to fill a regular tampon but not enough to fill a super plus tampon for a full day of walking around the mall it's bright red and my period was suppose to come 3 days ago but I also have a very abnormal period last month it took a month and 3 weeks to get it and before that was 19 days? I'm also only 15

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Hi A0uvulsr,

Thank you for reaching out to EmpowHER with your health question!

To start, if you and your boyfriend have decided to have sex at 15 years old and you are concerned about pregnancy, I highly recommend using some form of protection. Birth control and abstinence are really the only ways to reduce your chances of pregnancy. But I would not be having unprotected sex if you are concerned about pregnancy.

Any time you have unprotected sex, your chances of pregnancy increase. You mentioned several symptoms of pregnancy but it sounds like you also have an abnormal period so it's hard to tell. The only real way to tell if you are pregnant is by taking a pregnancy test. I recommend you take one of those to see.

Also, this article we wrote on EmpowHER talks about the pros and cons of different types of birth control. Take a look to learn more about your options: https://www.empowher.com/birth-control/content/which-method-birth-contro...

October 29, 2016 - 9:56am
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