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What's going on with my menstrual cycle? Could I be pregnant and still have bleeding?

By May 1, 2012 - 6:58am
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I am 32 and have 3 children. I am not on any birth control and my periods are always on a 28 day cycle. They are always heavy with a lot of clotting and last between 4-6 days. On 4/2/12 I started what I figured was my period but it was really light. My husband and I also had sex the same day with a possibility of an "oops." I prepared for a heavy flow with a pad and it didn't get anything on it all day. I only had blood when I wiped. It wasn't as light as spotting but I have never had such a light period. The next morning it was pinkish brown when I wiped. Halfway through the day it was completely gone. I never had that happen before. I did a bunch of searching online and it sounded like implantation bleeding. I didn't want to freak out so I said I would wait until my next period to see. Now I did notice that I didn't have any cramps or tender breasts at all this "period(?)," which is strange because I also get really bad cramps and sore breasts every month. That was actually really nice for a change. The day after it was over I started having sort of period-like cramps for 10 days straight with no period. I was about to call the doctor because it was so weird, but then it stopped. On 4/28/12 I had spotting no cramps or sore breasts. One time I wiped and it was very small amount of pink tinged with just a little bit of brown streaks. It was only one time that day and one time the next day 4/29/12. Then nothing else until about 1 pm the next day 4/30/12. I actually went to WalMart and bought a pregnancy test and as I was walking out the door to leave and I felt the period starting feeling. So I haven't used it yet. I am now having that really light flow period like I had on 4/2/12 but have some cramping now. It is 5/1/12 and still having this really light period. All of this is very unusual and I have never ever had anything like this before. I was excited for a minute thinking I might be pregnant (even though I am not really trying to get pregnant) but now I am worried something is wrong "down there." Has this happened to anybody else? Any advise? I have a doctor appointment later this week but I am worried.

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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Thank you Maryann for your advice...today still basically same thing. Not much bleeding coming through to the pad some but not a lot. I could probably get by with pantiliners honestly...anyways, when I wipe there's very little discoloration to the urine and there is nothing in toilet except urine color I known tmi...lol. Not cramping do have headache but I deal with migraines a lot too so I'm...I'm really confused and I am scared to retest lol if that makes since I don't like the negative repsonses I keep getting as everyone knows. I'm really a basket case right now with my emotions anyways the least little thing I'm in tears happy or sad...

May 17, 2017 - 8:51am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous, I am in the same boat as you.. Just did a pt yesterday and it was negative. Thought oh, period is coming.. But since yesterday just like you, I do not have my usual heavy flow.. Not sure what is going on with my body as well. This is the very first time this happened after me and my husband decided that we would like to have a baby. I hope and pray it is a baby on the way....

June 4, 2017 - 2:29am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello, my period came 6 days late but not a normal flow, only when I wipe...However, last week I noticed that I have a dried white substance on my nipples ?:I? I have regular pms issues - backpain, cramping, headaches, fatigue, full/ tender breasts etc...But is the dried substance from my nipples wierd and cause for concern?

April 26, 2017 - 12:20pm
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

I would say it is a concern. Call and speak with your gynecologist or primary care physician about your unusual period and the white breast discharge.


April 27, 2017 - 9:41am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

I was having cramps and weird stomach pain for a few days, then I wipped and some blood came out but it was only that one time and I never used a tampon or pad. A week later after I got back from camping I wipped and brownish red blood has been showing up only when I wipe and didn't go into the pad I'm wearing. Me and my boyfriend did have sexual inter course 2 times wile camping but I still have about 4 days till I'm supposed to start. I'm worried that this could be a miscarriage, pregnancy or if something else is wrong.

June 4, 2017 - 5:15am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi it has been over a year since I had an erpc, since my periods have been lighter than they used to be, they used to be 2-3 days with a moderate flow end of day 1 and day 2 and lighter otherwise. Now when I get my period which is every 28 days i could go without wearing a pad, and the blood only flows out when I wee, there are no clots but it is like turning in a tap and when I finish urinating it stop, when I wipe there is bright red blood on the tissue, but if I wipe again there is nothing till I wee again

April 25, 2017 - 7:00am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi my period supposed to come on 20th of apirl but i see i was 2 days late and today after i shower and i wipe of i see little bleeding and i dont half to wear a pad no cramps just headace ,dizziness but i sleep alot could this be implantation bleeding i am confused please help

April 22, 2017 - 8:35am
EmpowHER Guest

I was suppose to get my period on Apr 14 or 15. Still no period. I used those cheap tests and still came back negative? What is up? My periods come every month at the same time.

April 18, 2017 - 9:12am
EmpowHER Guest

On 16/02 i had my normal period. Then on 13/03 i saw brown discharge when i wipe. No period then on 17/03 i took a test it was neg. On 23/03 i took a test again at the doctor office it was neg again. I had cramps and headache no other symptoms. Then on 15/04 i took a test again it was negative again. Today 17/04 i saw red blood when i wipe but lighter than my period. What is happening?

April 17, 2017 - 2:28am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

If you had a pregnancy test done in the doctor's office, someone should have discussed possible causes for the changes in your period.

Call to speak with your physician.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by a precise balance of hormones, Any upset in that balance will cause changes.


April 17, 2017 - 8:53am
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