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What could this mean?

By Anonymous November 30, 2014 - 12:28am
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I usually am on time with my period but since august my period will either come 4-5 days early or 4-5 days late. All other times its right on time. It came early this time by 4 days and ended in 2-3 days.. I also will get nauseous and headaches. I took a pregnancy test last month that was negative. Please help if possible

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well i spotted in Wednesday a week before my m/c on Thursday was heavy bleeding with cloths (normal cramping) by friday the same but lighter, any idea what it means ?

December 26, 2014 - 7:43pm


Hi Anonymous - Thanks for sharing your concerns with the EmpowHER community.

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing nausea and headaches with your period, as well as changes in the timing of your cycle.

If you haven't seen your gynecologist in a while I suggest scheduling an appointment. Sometimes nausea and headaches can be caused by uterine contractions and hormonal changes, and while unpleasant are not harmful. Other causes are more serious, and include fibroids and endometriosis. You really need an exam and to see a medical professional to find out what is causing this, and, to get the relief you need so that you will feel better.   

Will you make an appointment and let us know what you learn?



November 30, 2014 - 11:40am
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