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By October 25, 2011 - 7:45am
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i got 1 year my periodo is every 2 or 3 months, and the bleeding is heaviest and painfull, and other is painfull and poor bleding????? I am lost

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Just wanted to ad to what Daisy has shared. It is a good idea to have a series of tests over time rather than just one. While that one test for FSH levels may be accurate, chances are, it won't give you the complete and entire picture.

So many women enter perimenopause, go to their physician and have their FSH levels tested, only to be told they are "normal" and therefore they could not be in perimenopause.

this is just not true, unfortunately, and so many women are confused and frustrated. I say trust your gut and get more than just one test. It will provide a better picture of your hormonal fluctuations and improve your chances of an accurate diagnosis.

On a personal note, on the backend of my perimenopause symptoms, I suffered horribly with heavy, flooding periods with enormous blood clots.

I knew estrogen dominance was the culprit and introduced a bioidentical progesterone. It was a high quality, compounded formula with higher doses of progesterone than most (1500 mg per 2 ounces). I used it faithfully according to directions for 3 months and it knocked my heavy periods out cold.

I throw that out there as something to consider and research.


October 27, 2011 - 8:18am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Olgita,

Welcome to EmpowHER and thanks for your question. If you’re over 35 you may be in perimenopause, the months or years of hormonal transition that lead up to menopause. Menopause occurs when it has been 12 consecutive months since your last period, but it’s rare for women to menstruate regularly until their periods suddenly stop. More commonly, women notice changes to their cycles five, ten or even fifteen years prior to reaching menopause.
There are also test to check your FSH levels this can evaluate menstrual problems, such as irregular or absent menstrual periods. This can help determine if indeed you are starting menopause. Here are some Articles and links that can help, but it is important to see your doctor and explain your symptoms.

Best of luck,

October 25, 2011 - 8:00am
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