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I kept having this whitish discharge but lately it turned brownish

By Anonymous November 5, 2016 - 7:42am
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I have being taking treatment but I don't see any changes. And these days I see a brownish discharge

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community!

Typically brown discharge occurs when a little bit of blood mixes with your normal discharge.

Brown discharge can be caused by a number of things including:

- Ovulation
- Perimenopause
- Birth control
- Endometrial tissue that didn't pass during your last period
- Pregnancy
- Diseases including bacterial vaginosis, PID and some STDs

What kind of treatment have you been taking? Also, how often are you having brown discharge and during what time of your menstrual cycle?

Also, keep in mind that brown blood during your period is a normal thing that many women experience.

If pregnancy is a concern, the best way to determine pregnancy is through a pregnancy test.

Let me know those answers to my questions and I can help some more!


November 6, 2016 - 10:14am
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