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Could she be pregnant this way?

By Anonymous November 6, 2016 - 8:46am
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So me and my gf were dry humping both of us in our underwear and then I came in my underwear, about 30 minutes later we started again and I nudging my penis into her vagina but I think their was still a wet stop from before. She's four days late on her period and we're both worrying. We both had sex for the first time as well(protected)and she said been complaining of cramps and some brown discharge

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for reaching out to EmpowHER!

What you described is known as dry sex, which cannot cause pregnancy. For higher chances of pregnancy, there must be vaginal intercourse and penetration.

You said you did insert your penis in her vagina? Was this for a while? Like I said above, vaginal intercourse can increase chances of pregnancy, especially when done without protection.

The only way to know if your girlfriend is pregnant is for her to take a pregnancy test.

Periods can be late for reasons like stress, illness, travel, extreme exercise & weight loss, birth control and more. But I recommend taking a pregnancy test if you did have sex and are concerned of pregnancy!


November 6, 2016 - 6:22pm
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