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Can I get pregnant?

By Anonymous October 30, 2016 - 5:47pm
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About 5 minutes after I gave my boyfriend a handjob, he put his hands in my pants and rubbed my clit. His fingers didn't go inside my vagina, it was just on my clit so if he had sperm on his hand can I get pregnant?

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Hi Anon,

Thanks for reaching out to EmpowHER!

From what you described, you cannot get pregnant. For pregnancy to occur, actual sexual intercourse and penetration must happen. Also, when outside in the air for a while, sperm dries up.

I would read this article which gives some clarification to what can and can't cause pregnancy: https://www.empowher.com/community/share/outercourse-dry-humping-dry-sex...

Hope this helps!


October 30, 2016 - 5:46pm
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