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I want to encourage you to find a psychiatrist. Your GP certainly cares about you and means well, but a psychiatrist spends her or his entire day working with people who are dealing with things like this. They are more well-versed in therapies and medications and they will be a bigger help to you.

It's very important that you get better treatment, for your sake and for your toddler's sake. Taking care of a toddler is enough to stress any human, and when you are battling panic attacks and agoraphobia it's even more difficult.

What zip code do you live in, Anon? Can we help you find a psychiatrist in your area? It is good you already have a doctor and medications for now, because it often takes two to three months to get in to a psychiatrist. But it is very worth it when you sit in their office and you feel that they UNDERSTAND.

Do you feel like y ou would be able to get to a psychiatrist's office? Would your mom help you get there if needed?

Here is an online forum where people write back and forth about dealing with agoraphobia. Have you found this site? It might make you feel that you are not alone, that there are many people out there dealing with this:


Also, back to the possible hormonal connection. I think that you should see a gynecologist who deals with hormones all the time and who can possibly help you with what happened here. Do you have an OB/GYN? Do you like him or her?

March 4, 2010 - 10:07am


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